Connecting with your customers:

Insights & trends for engagement

Learn how to balance customer experience and ongoing regulatory changes with AI readiness.
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Connecting with your customers

The latest trends tell us that improving customer experience is one of the biggest strategic business goals organisations are pursuing today.
  • How to do more with less, and where to invest in future growth opportunities.

  • Managing AI disruptions, declining customer experience, and economic uncertainty.

  • Delivering NextGen CX using generative AI technology.

  • The latest in compliance and how digital leaders overcome limitations for effective personalisation and targeting.


Speaker Photo Tim Dillon
Tim Dillon
Founder & Director
Tecgh Research Asia
Speaker Photo Vicki Iszatt
Vicki Iszatt
Managing Director
Speaker Photo Kate Thorpe
Kate Thorpe
Customer Success Lead

Get 9 customer engagement strategies your business needs article and checklist today

Engaged customers are inclined to buy more, refer friends, and elevate your brand’s reputation with glowing reviews. Get your must-have checklist and article filled with strategies that will help your business:

  • Engage more customers despite limited marketing budgets.

  • Leverage your customer data for insights and personalisation.

  • Utilise conversational AI messaging to achieve more efficiency and increase customer lifetime value.

  • Elevate your customer’s experience to improve engagement and loyalty.

  • Give your business an edge over your competition.

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