Author of the popular 80s business book, How to Win Customers and Keep Them for Life, penned the gem: ‘A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.’

Decades later online reputation management remains an ally in raising your brand reputation.

As part of your SMS marketing strategy – use our ten text messaging templates below to seek feedback and create great customer experiences.

The power of asking

93% of customers read online reviews before buying a product. Positive reviews are important for a company to provide social proof and to sell product. Customers are willing to spend 31% more with the businesses that have excellent reviews. Reviews have multiple benefits including building customer trust, having the opportunity to listen to and act on customer feedback and also helps improve Google organic search rankings.

If you’ve ever shopped on Amazon or eBay, you’ll know why reviews are so important. Customers are more likely to purchase a product with only one review than a product with none. Amazon, in particular, prioritises customer satisfaction. Their reviews help potential customers get better working knowledge about a product. Think about the value of first-hand feedback to questions like: How can I use it? How will it arrive? What should I expect?

A 2020 study showed 90% of consumers factored reviews into their buying decisions. Nearly half (49%) of respondents believe the quantity of reviews is important; up from 35% in 2016. 78% of people think online reviews are as trustworthy as a recommendation from friends and family. That’s a whole lot of credibility in one tiny paragraph.

The simple answer to get more positive reviews is to ask for them. There are critical moments in every customer’s journey when their feedback is most valuable. At the least, ask for feedback:

  • After an appointment (for example, a car service, haircut or dog grooming session)

  • Post-sale (while the experience is fresh)

  • When they’ve contacted you for customer service (show they’re in a mutual conversation)

How to Ask Customers for Feedback and Reviews: 10 SMS Templates

Implementing a system to encourage feedback as part of your bulk SMS marketing strategy is vital. They can be as simple as a yes/no response or a series of questions with SMS responses via a 2 way SMS gateway.

The Net Promoter Score survey is also an effective way to gain insight into your online brand rep. It can help you to find out where there’s room for improvement. Collecting this data via bulk SMS marketing is low cost and simple.

Without further adieu, here are some savvy SMS templates to help you get started.

Template #1: Recent enquiry

Hi [First name],

Thanks for your recent enquiry. You feedback is important, please let us know how we did by taking this quick survey [link]

Opt-out reply STOP

Template #2: Google review

Hi [First name],

Thanks for visiting our [store or location]. We’d love to know more about your experience, please leave a review on Google [link].

Opt-out reply STOP

Template #3: Facebook review

Have you got a minute to write us a review on Facebook? Online reviews are so important, we greatly appreciate your feedback and it’s quick and easy to do – [link]

Opt-out reply STOP

Template #4: Trustpilot review

[First name], you’ve been a loyal customer for [time], and we value your experience. Please write a review for [product or service] on Trustpilot and let us know how we did [link]

Opt-out reply STOP

Template #5: Yelp review

Hi [First name],

Thanks for your support. Would you mind sharing your experience with our [product/service]? If you can share it on Yelp [link] we would greatly appreciate it.

Opt-out reply STOP

Template #6: Feedback

[First name], your experience matters to us. We’d love to hear how we did, and what we can improve. Please take this short survey [link]

Opt-out reply STOP

Template #7: NPS score

Hi [First name],

We’re curious – on a 0-10 scale, how likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?

Opt-out reply STOP

Template #8: NPS score followup

Hi [First name],

Thanks for your feedback. Can you share the reason behind your rating? Your insights help us to continue to improve our services.

Template #9: Review to win

Take our quick survey for your chance to win.

Tell us about your experience with [brand/product] and go in the draw to win a $100 voucher* [link]

Opt-out reply STOP

Template #10: Review for discount

[First name] – Enjoy your exclusive discount.

Complete a quick survey, and we’ll send you a code for 10% off your next purchase. [link]

Opt-out reply STOP

Listen to your customers

Customer reviews and feedback help you manage your online brand reputation. They highlight where you’re winning and where you may need to focus more of your energy.

Use a bulk SMS marketing service to listen to your customers. Our above templates are key to creating a brand reputation management strategy. Use our platform to send out surveys, feedback forms, and to help you build better customer experiences, brand awareness and customer loyalty.

Build your social proof

Start your 14-day trial today, and use our SMS templates to strengthen your social proof. No credit card, no obligations.