JobAdder SMS - Option 1

JobAdder is a cloud based recruitment management platform for
end-to-end talent acquisition management.

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Using Recruitment Agents mobile number


Set-up: Register your Recruitment Agent’s mobile number

  • Open your Kudosity account, navigate to the NUMBERS section

  • Select Add Sender ID.

  • Only one user number can be registered per form.

  • Complete the form, making sure you add the Recruitment Agent’s mobile number in the Sender ID field in the following format (no spaces or symbols in the number) Example: 6141234567

  • We may need to contact you regarding the registration. Please add details to the ‘Contact mobile section’.

  • If you are registering on behalf of a Recruitment Agent please add your details (not the Recruitment Agent’s details) to the contact mobile section.

  • If you’re having any trouble completing the form please Contact Us via the bottom of this page.

  • You’ll receive an email confirmation that your sender ID has been verified.

  • If you have multiple Recruitment Agents mobiles to be added you can contact our Helpdesk and we can add these for you. Please be sure to mention you are using JobAdder to our team.


Connect your account - Administrators only

  • Navigate to the Admin sidebar and select Apps and Add-ons.

  • Select the SMS add on and navigate to the Burst tab

  • Copy and paste your API details into the appropriate fields. These can be found in the Settings section of your Kudosity account.

  • In ‘Burst SMS Number’ place an X to satisfy the mandatory field. You do not need a virtual number when using Recruitment Agent’s personal mobile number option.

  • Tick ‘Use Mobile Number from User’

  • A pop-up will appear confirming the activation for the Burst SMS app, select proceed*.

- Any existing SMS integrations will be automatically disconnected.
- All SMS messages will stop being sent till Step 3 is completed.


Configure Recruitment Agent's mobile numbers in JobAdder Users settings

  • Log into your Admin JobAdder account and navigate to Users

  • Select the Recruitment Agent's name to open up their detailed profile.

  • Populate the SMS Sender field with the Recruitment Agent’s mobile in the same format you registered their number in the Sender ID form. Using International format: (no spaces or symbols in the number) Example: 6141234567

  • Do not change Phone or Mobile fields, these are for the email signature and should not be changed.

  • Select Save Changes.

  • Repeat the above steps for each Recruitment Agent's User Profile you want to update.