JobAdder SMS - Option 2

JobAdder is a cloud based recruitment management platform for end-to-end talent acquisition management.

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Recruitment Agents use a Virtual Mobile number


Setting up your Virtual Mobile number (provided by Kudosity):

If you’d like to try this 2-way sms feature without committing to a virtual number, please reach out to our team so we can allocate you a number to try.

If you are sure you want to proceed with this option, follow the steps below and start sending today.

  • Navigate to the Numbers section and select Add Number.

  • Select your preferred number from the dropdown.

  • Then select Activate which secures the number you’ve chosen.

  • JobAdder Configure your account settings

- Copy and save this number, make sure you keep a copy of the number documented.

- You’re now ready to connect your JobAdder account.


Connect your account - Administrators only

  • Log into your Admin JobAdder user and navigate to the Admin sidebar and select Apps and Add-ons.

  • JobAdder Configure your account settings

  • Select the SMS add on and navigate to the Burst SMS tab

  • Copy and paste your API details into the appropriate fields. These can be found in the Settings section of your Kudoisty account.

  • In ‘Burst SMS Number’ copy your virtual number into this field. Using International format: (no spaces or symbols in the number) Example: 6141234567

  • Select Save changes

  • JobAdder Configure your account settings